Possible visual glitch?

Hello to all ;D

I think that I found a possible visual glitch ::slight_smile:
Here I go:
I have enabled the skin support for the explorer extension and everytime the Resident Scanner finds a virus it reports it in Skinned Warning window (right :slight_smile: )
But If you have opened the Resident Protection Settings Window and at the same time a virus is detected the Warning Window comes without a skin. Is this normal ::slight_smile:

Anyone? ::slight_smile:

Bump :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, you are right. I asked Vlk about it… and he said that it’s rather hard to fix, so I’m afraid it will stay there for a while (it’s not really a critical issue, is it? ;)).

OK, thanks for the response Igor :slight_smile:
Yes, it’s not a critical issue, I was just wondering if it’s only on my PC ;D