Potentially Malicious URL?

tumblr dot co was marked as potentially suspicious according to Quttera. urlQuery says there is a HELLO warning. Is this site safe? Just wanted to get an extra check as i didn’t quite understand the warning and visited the site by accident. Thanks!

See no immediate problems. A Quttera potential warning means an insecurity that could be exploited.
See however http://jsunpack.jeek.org/?report=9bc58aaf19d88cebaa250089ed1c853b6f11b593
Read about the Dashboard code here: http://d.strelau.net/post/105675572/tumblr-html-source-code (contribution dean strelau)
analysis seems benign!
Code hick-up: secure.assets.tumblr dot com/assets/scripts/pages/ benign
[nothing detected] (iframe) secure.assets.tumblr dot com/assets/scripts/pages/
status: (referer=secure.assets.tumblr dot com/assets/scripts/pages/dashboard.js?_v=4c08d209c77be4377405f70d906478b6)saved 1609 bytes 7d5df9a7363264d33c1f413f0dc7932a145050c3
info: [script] assets.tumblr dot com/languages/errors.js?6
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript

General site insecurities: https://asafaweb.com/Scan?Url=tumblr.co

Getting an error page here: htXps://www.tumblr.com/foo/trace.axd → failure: nonnumeric port: ‘’
navigation anulled: htXps://www.tumblr.com/%3C
and the error.js that can be abused here, see: http://jsunpack.jeek.org/?report=2ec6410c8b0cd38ccc9b89de5c945c671e147ba2
going to: htxp://24.media.tumblr.com/27e74919b57a323010e051aff8c7c4fe/tumblr_mq7a3vfsKu1qzw1qyo1_500.gif benign!

verdict much ado about general insecurities, no direct malcode flagged!


Alright! thanks polonus! :smiley:

Hi TuckerX,

You are welcome. Thank you for raising these questions and compliments to you for your safe hex attitude.
I’d wish all coders would take the trouble to question the security of code like you are.
We would find ourselves in a quite more secure website environment. :wink:

