Powering On


I don’t know if you can help me (or if this is the right category) but my problem is when I turn on my computer nothing loads up. The power button lights up but nada. I then have to shutdown by pressing same button and try again. Sometimes once, sometimes more times and when starting up the fan makes a loudish noise or the computer chirps. Once it is up and running it shuts itself off unless I immediately restart the computer with the power button in the taskbar. It then will stay on until I shut it down. This started happening a few days ago, after my granddaughter was on my computer. Coincidence or is something giving out on my computer.

I have Windows 8.1.

Any help or suggestions will be very much appreciated.

First thing to do is open the case, take ram modules, cards etc out.
Remove all dust (also the dust inside the psu).
Clean all contacts and put everything back.

Thanks, I will definitely do that! Thanks for the quick response as well. Avast forum rocks!!!

Well I dusted inside, didn’t seem to be all that dusty, but didn’t take anything out and now it won’t load up and it sounds like an alarm and that’s all I get.


Sounds like the repair shop is next stop!

Yup, you are right unfortunately, sucks big time.

Motherboard gone, have to get a new computer yet again. Same thing happened to me on my last computer but this computer was only 2 years old!! At least my old one was just that, old.

Who/what told you the motherboard is broken?
It still can be something else.

Are there any led’s on the motherboard?
If so they should show the status of it.

So what exactly was happening is after dusting it (at which point I turned the computer off) turned it back on and got a continuous siren or alarm. No beeps, no break in the sound, nothing at all loaded up and only the power was on. Fortunately I had the foresight to move everything of importance to an external harddrive before it died

I googled this and then knew it was not good so I took it to my local computer store. They tested it and told me that the siren or whatever that noise is could only be my motherboard. Apparently the beeps etc signify what is wrong and this continuous noise is the motherboard. Anyway I have the tower, haven’t done anything yet.

I’m not sure what that means so what should I look for?

I had similar to what you’re getting on a friends laptop, at first it appeared to be a stuck key/button but after leaving the laptop upside down for 12 hours an oily residue started leaking out of the system, the owner swears nothing was spilt on it and couldn’t explain what it was.

Over the next few days it continually got worse with the noise turning constant like and alarm going off and when trying to sign in pressing any key once would result in a whole string of random letters being displayed so then took it to a repair shop and they said it was stuffed so I binned it “after smashing the HDD to pieces” :wink:

Yeah, that’s what I am going to do with the HDD, smash it to bits and I’ll also remove a few parts I may be able to use in the future or not. Can’t hurt though!

CraigB that is a broken capacitor.
It is the only part in a system that has oil in it.

Continues beep can be:

  • system memory.
  • video card.
  • the motherboard.

I wouldn’t have thought that there would be enough oil in a capacitor to make as much mess as it did, covered the whole keyboard :-\

Rather than smash the HDD why not put it in a caddy (cheap as chips) and you now have an external USB drive for backups/images :slight_smile:

Great idea especially since it is a 1TB HDD. I will do that.

Could playing a game, The Treasures of Montezuma 3 from Alawar Entertainment cause this to happen. I was totally hooked on it and also was very, very fast in matching the gems etc. It was a pre-installed game on my computer so I wouldn’t think that I could be too fast (that’s how you got points) but just trying to figure out what went wrong.