PowerShell virus ?

I make a full scan with avast today and it found 2 trojan;
Name is Powershell in System32, if it is a trojan, it is important I think …
So I don’t know if it is a false positive or if it is a real trojan wich hide his self with this name.
Thanks for all answer and as you can see on the screen I’m French, I’m not good at English, sorry :frowning:
Avast can’t fix it, I think it is because the file are in sys32
Screen : https://ibb.co/exTJwm

Instructions >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=194892.0

Okay, I did it all.
The malwarebytes analysis didn’t find anything but I still pass the logs.
Thank you for giving me the instructions and for your help.

Now you wait for one of the listed experts to arrive, this may take hours

I don’t see malicious entries in logs. Are you getting constantly Avast notifications about detected malware or it was just during full scan?

Just with a full scan, but it’s been a long time since I did one, about 1 month or 2 so I don’t really know maybe I missed the notification but on the last full scan I didn’t see anything like that, so I don’t know why Avast detects it now (maybe an update from Avast).

I also do smart scans more regularly but no detection.

Thank you for your help