Prblm download VPS updates -- Modem freezes

Hello avast-Gurus

(First: I have not searched the Forum for similar prblms, so if there already are answers; point it out to me, pls. )

Have used VPS Automatic update with my old phone modem w/o any prblm until VPS-080824 or -25. After that the Modem freezes when connecting the Web – everything related to the Internet just STOPs.
Disconnected the function >Automatic VPS UpDate< in avast: The Internet functioned again.
Did a check-up for any Trojans – Nothing, fit as a newborn baby.
Yesterday 080827 I made a >Manual VPS Update< – everything worked as in the old times. After some minutes avast was updated. Then I activated the >Automatic VPS UpDate< again and went out on the Internet; The modem/Internet FREEZES again!!
So when avast itself are searching for updates from my pc, it does not work anymore – if I do it manually: It works.

My pc have been exactly the same the whole time – no new programs, no Malware or that kind.
Why does the >Automatic VPS UpDate< not work anymore?

I use XP-Home….

Is it an internal “software” modem by any chance?

Well, both soft- and hardware is integrated in my Dell Inspiron 8200 and have worked well all the time.
It works just fine also now, but NOT whith the alternative >Automatic Update< in the avast-software since a few days – only with >Manual< now.
Why did this function suddenly stop to work, one might wonder…

BR, s.