PRC error

I am having problem with the on access protection contral ???

it says I have a RPC error???

Hello! :slight_smile:
Can you be a bit more specific? Or is there any other error message? If it is please retype it here. Did you restart machine after install?

Does this happen at the start up???

RPC error could be corrected by two ways:

  1. Uninstall / Boot / Install / Boot
  2. Control Panel > Add remove programs > avast antivirus > Change/Remove button
    Choose ‘Repair’ function (you must be connected to the Internet).


I tried the repair thing and it did not help

the message says…The AAVM has detected a RPC error
under that it says “the operation could not be completed”

The program does not start up when I turn on my comp…
and I get the messege when I try to use the ON-Access protection control

Why don’t you try my ‘1’ solution?
Uninstall / Boot / Install / Boot

Btw, do you have any other antivirus installed in your computer?

I don’t want to hijack this thread, but this is a “me too!”
I am running Windows 2000, recently updated using Windows Update.
I tried both of your suggestions, however neither resolved the problem. Even after reinstalling I had the little red symbol in one corner of the Avast icon.
I can start the service from Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services, where it is set to start automatically.
This isn’t actually the first time this has happened to me. It generally seems to happen after I have installed new software that operates at driver level, such as a new firewall. On this occasion it occurred after I installed a virtual printer (PDF4Free, please see )
On previous occassions I have uninstalled the program which appears to triggered the problem and reverted to my last OS backup, which normally solves the problem - though I have even had it occur after restoring a backup. Sometimes having left an explorer window open at shutdown is enough to create this problem at the next start up.
Occassionally restarting the computer will solve the problem, but normally not.
I’d like to solve the problem properly this time, as their seem to be a growing number of pieces of software that I can’t use because of this issue.
Is there anything more I can do?