Premier Smart Scan stuck at 41 percent

Have tried everything I know to do (not much), but it gets to the bad browser add-ons and just can’t get past it. It never gives me an error message or completes the scan. I just get to about 8 hours or so and give up. Have reinstalled. Same thing.

I keep seeing where others have had the scan be stuck but not at this specific point, so I don’t know how to fix now. Suggestions, please? Thanks!

Windows 10, Chrome, HP Spectre

Fixed in the latest beta:

Forgive me, please. I’m new. If I don’t want to be an unpaid beta tester, when can I expect this to become an actual update and be fixed? Are they usually pretty quick about it?

Yep, 17.9 should be out soon…

Thank you!

You’re welcome.