Premium license problem

The Avast app on both of my Android devices shows the premium license (samsung GT-N8010 and samsung GT-i9300) but on the web console the GT-i9300 is showing as having only the free license. Both devices are on the same Google play account and both report the premium subscription as valid. I’ve tried removing and reinstalling the software (using the uninstallation wizard) with no improvement.

Thanks for your assistance.


I’m sorry for your troubles. seems that for some users, the premium status isn’t accepted by the portal.
I can fix this - but I need to ask you to send two things to please.

  1. the google order number (should look something like this: 14599763169054705758.1360613239163290)
  2. your device ID. to get it, please log into and select your device. The adressbar should look like this now:
    Please copy and paste your adressbar as it contains the device ID.

thank you for taking your time to help me fix this!

Werner Mayr


Same problem as here?

Not sure. I have nothing in the “My Licenses” tab either. The device license status seems to be under “My devices”, “View Details”, “Security Info”, License Information.

ColSummers - please send the mail as suggested. Posting your license here isn’t really what you want.

Correct, that was rather stupid. It’s been one of those days…