During the boot virus check of Avast!, i chose to move all infected files, the problem is, i did the same with windows files. They were almost all infected with win32:Parite virus and Avast couldnt remove them. Now i cant start any .exe files anymore, probably because a necessary windows file is missing, how can i move everything back where it had been? Im talking about 800+ files, so manually placing them back would take ages :-\
what WIN do you have ?
WHERE did you move the files ?
to the chest, or somewhere else ?
from the chest, you could easily restore them (if necessary REPAIR avast first in SAFEMODE),
otherwise you’ll have to search your memory or avast’S report/logfile as to what happened to the files…
-search the board for:
→ lots of infos there, including links to Parite-RemovalTools from bitdefender, panda, stinger/NAI
Hi, i run win XP, and i moved the files to the ‘moved’ folder. See, ive already got an anti-Parite program, the only thing is, i cant open the thing, i cant open any exe file to be exact. Whenever i try to open one, windows says he cant find it.
what happens if you download the tool on a different clean PC, put it on a CD or Disk (Writeprotect it afterwards!), boot your PC in SafeMode (press F8 when Booting), and run the tool form the CD/Disk ?
the Tool from www.Pandasoftware.com is a COM-File, you might try this instead of EXE-Cleaners
avast’s Virus-Cleaner should at least correct the settings for opening exe-files… → run this Cleaner first, after renaming it to COM, scr, bat, pif whatever…; see here: http://www.avast.com/i_idt_171.html
Windows can’t find … . Check wether you inserted the name correctly and try again. If you want to search for a file, go to the Start menu and click on Search.
That message, in dutch, really annoying
‘…’ is the path to the file i wanted to open, so its always different. I had already downloaded the Avast! Virus Cleaner, but i wouldnt open, but i renamed the extension to .com as you suggested, and now im running it, so lets hope it works!
äärhm… I don’t know if you can do it automatically ?,
see in avast’s log/report, where you moved what … and do it manually…
if no-one else has a brillinat suggestion
P.S.: for the Future
a) why didn’t you let avast REPAIR the files ?
b) why didn’t you put them in avast’s chest ?
c) it’s generally a good idea to INFORM oneself on the proper removal prodcedure for a virus/malware BEFORE moving/deleting any files…
I was panicking okay, avast couldnt repair it, i didnt dare to delete it, and ignoring it seamed a bit silly, so naturally i chose ‘move’, after that, move all. Its not like i had the time to check any website, i wasnt even in windows (boot check thingy remember)
Btw, whats the difference between the ‘moved’ and the ‘chest’ folder?
I DONT WANT TO DO IT MANUALLY there are like 800 files in there!
I don’t have avast here, but imho from the chest you can just select all the files you want to restore, and restore them to their original location with a click; I guess that’s what you want…
I don’t think that it is so easy from the moved folder…
maybe you want to re-/overinstall windows, that might be quicker…
also some programs (even if repaired) might not work properly if they have internal selftests
Pc nerds…Man I feel offended : Anyways, if you cant restore the files back to original from chest, dont spend money on hiring a pc nerd, just put your xp disk in drive and rewrite windows ,dont do fresh install just reinstall. Make sure all viruses are gone before hand, make sure all past save points are erased also (for they more than likely have viruses in them also) …
Thanks for the advice everyone, youve really been helpful, if only i could remember where i put my windows cd…oh well, the nerd (no pun intended) will fix it, im sure. You all have my sincere gratitude