Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail


is there a rule in Avast to disallow or allow programs to send mass email?

I use the term “Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail” because before moving to Avast we were on McAfee and to allow a locally developed program to export it’s data via mass email it’s program executable name was added the to a list of exceptions under the rule > Anti Virus Standard Protection > Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail


It was there a long time ago… On version 4 if I remember correctly. It was a setting to block identical emails (for instance, It’s not there anymore into the Mail heuristics… (see a David’s picture

I think that the Mail Shield in avast6/7 with Heuristics set to High may still have that same effect of blocking/alerting even though it isn’t listed/configurable.

Though I haven’t seen many instances of undetected/hidden mass mailing bots reported in the viruses and worms forum. Obviously I have no way of testing this short of infecting my system with a mass mailing bot to test the theory.

Good memory as usual. Maybe any of the programmers could confirm this.

Thanks, the image shows exactly the kind of setting I want to tune in Avast.

Is there no custom way to add such setting in Avast 6?

That specific setting dropped out in avast6, but as I said it is possible that having the Heuristics set to High in the Mail Shield may well still detect the presence of an undetected/hidden mass mailing bot. But I have no way of testing that theory short of infecting my system.