Preventing Avast Premium Security from trying to authenticate against UnRaid

Every month, I’m getting security warnings on my UnRaid servers that a series of login attempts are coming from the IP address of my desktop PC, always following an Avast report of scanning activity. After the alert messages are generated on UnRaid, the only way to clear them out and get the servers to stop alerting is by rebooting them. I need to find a way to get Avast to stop trying to log into my servers. I have the IP addresses added to the exceptions page, but claims to exclude them from shields and scans, but the issue persists.

On Oct 24 there were 15 invalid login attempts. This could either be yourself attempting to login to your server (SSH / Telnet) with the wrong user or password, or you could be actively be the victim of hack attacks. A common cause of this would be placing your server within your routers DMZ, or improperly forwarding ports.
This is a major issue and needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY