Previous versions of avast showing up in disk cleaners.

I am running Avast 2015, but Avast 6 and 8 are showing up in 2 disk cleaners I have–CCLEANER and WISECLEANER.
Both cleaners have many members with same issue.Support there claims there must be left over remnants of Avast 6 and 8 on the pc.
If true,how do I delete whatever is causing these programs to detect remnants of 6 and 8?


Delete avast through control panel.
Run the uninstall tool.
Perform a fresh installation of avast.

Thanks for the info.
Any easier way other than a complete uninstall-----like maybe thru REGEDIT ?
I don`t want to leave my system unprotected as it would be doing a complete uninstall/reinstall.

No need to worry about the Avast 6 and 8 showing up in CCleaner as you have the latest version of Avast 2015. It’s a bug in CCleaner showing previous versions of Avast 6 and 8 even though Avast 2015 is installed.


how about WiseCleaner?

Good question Eddy! I am not sure about WiseCleaner, because I don’t use WiseCleaner only CCleaner. Pompste should login to WiseCleaner Forum and ask there, they should be able to know what is causing this. CCleaner Forum they confirmed that CCleaner detecting avast 6 and 8 even though Avast 2015 is installed is a BUG

I use CCleaner and have not problem with it.
I also use Glary Utilities and there is no problem also.

I appreciate all the info!
Ill post this issue in Wisecleaner forum asap. I notice with CCleaner that it is cleaning Avast and it lists it under Avast 6. As long as its cleaning Avast 2015 even though its listed as Avast 6, Ill just keep it as it is.
I really dont want to completely uninstall/reinstall Avast since its apparently a CCLEANER bug.

Just for knowledge, I went in REGEDIT and looked at all reg entries for Avast and I don`t see anything at all relating to version history.
I was hoping to see listings for versions 6 and 8 and I would just delete those,but nothing there.

I’d suggest you untick the two avast boxes from CCleaner, you should not let any program delete files from your AV and imo it was bad practice of Piriform to even include that option.

The dual detection of 2 avast versions is a CCleaner bug that they have acknowledged.

Eddy you said you use CCleaner and have not problem with it. What do you mean? Does your CCleaner doesn’t show two old version of Avast?

The fact that it shows old versions isn’t necessarily a problem - especially since you shouldn’t allow ccleaner or other cleaners touch avast areas. Even if you did check them, it can’t delete something twice (as they are in the same location/folder name) that isn’t there. So even though this is a CCleaner bug (and presumably the same for WiseCleaner), it isn’t really a serious issue.

Windows XP/SP3
CCleaner 5.01.5075

I don’t see avast 6 or 8 mentioned anywhere in CCleaner.
Perhaps it is a problem in only certain versions of Windows.

It also can be I am just doing a great job of keeping my system clean ;D

You also won’t see avast 9 or 10 either - even if you could see avast Antivirus 6, avast Antivirus 7 & 8 More*, avast Antivirus 8 and avast Antivirus More*. Whilst not wanting to state the blindingly obvious it is in the Applications tab, which isn’t in alphabetical order and avast is in the so called Utilities section.

There is a huge amount of redundancy in the CCleaner Applications list - applications that have either never been installed or those that have been uninstalled - this is not just for avast versions.

All CCleaner is cleaning in Avast is it`s log files. The deletion and/or keeping of Avast log files can be controlled from within Avast itself.
The default setting is to keep the log files for 30 days and that can be changed to how many days you want.
Not sure if the log files are important or not.

I got the same CCleaner version as yours. Mine still shows the old entries of Avast? Please show me how?

@ pompste

I keep avast log files for sixty (60) days in case I need them.
I do not want some other software deleting something I may need in the future.
In CCleaner I have every box related to avast unticked for the above reasons.
They are log file and don’t take any real space on my HDD.

edit: typo