I have running Prevx1 on me comp,and i must say that are a very good program.
It cost 20$ but its running now for 5 months and its still Free. 8)
Prevx1 Detectic your PC and if prevx1 catching malware or spyware than go it in jail.
So,after 3times must go Pay this program,but lucky me,i have a licence for 5 years,and i pay
so far nothing for this Exelent Program.
And if you will a other program olso on your comp, well no problemm.
So i have olso running a-Squared Pro (the free version is a good option)and no troubles with Prevx1
Its a ideal combination i think. Yes now running the programms 5a6 months and no complains.
But i have read on the Net,that version 2 is comming,but when??
Me question are,have more people Prevx1 running,and olso Free??
For info.I hope its works! http://individual.prevx.com/
I’ve used Prevx in the past, before it was deeply improved.
My experience is not that good. There is the free System Safety Monitor that could do a good job.
Also, the three (avast + a-squared + Prevx) will take just too much resources of my poor computer, I can’t stand for that.
I understand that the the combine of your programms are to much CPU used for your Computer.
I use them on a Family comp but i must say that i a few min a go look to the use of CPU.
And i saw for 1 sec bij changing a website that the score of CPU use +/- 5o% where.
But i have to tel you that i not use Avast. This is maybe strange but after a total Chrash and many Steering
programs where Disabled i choise for 3monts trying NOD32. Whit very little recourses on your system.
Yes I have long time use Avast,but When you can try a other Virus Program,and for 100% good result,then
i buy this. I hope that you not angry that i leave Avast becourse i found avast very good.
So There we are.At this moment is CPU use Exact 2%. And i am very proud on me Virus-spyware-Comodo FW
and BOClean. Maybe is that the reasen that i de last 5.5 months where not infected.
And now is it waiting on Prevx2. I can not wait. (forgotten.me processor is AMD 512 mb).
I’m an user like you, not from Alwil team 8)
But, for obvious reasons, I’m not happy you’ve abandoned avast
Mine is a Pentium 4; 2,6 GHz; 1Gb RAM.
I ask this bevore i came back on this Forum.
And maybe comming NOD32 back next year with a Suite(3in 1). And then ?
Yes me choise is simple,I have used Avast in the past,so here i am back. This is what i mean.
And this is a good Forom whit no Fights between members.
This is olso a reasen to come here back.
Further I use Comodo like many members,and maybe i can help.
I have a other Comp and this is 1024 mb (intel)
Hi Cactusjack,
Does Nod32 also have a free non-resident scanner that Avast users can use next to their resident scanner???
A lot of people know that two resident scanners is not good for obvious reasons, but add some non-resident scanning to get the broadest range of the virus-spectrum. For instance use Avast resident + ClamWin (FOSS-type of software), DrWeb’s CureIt and DrWeb’s hyperlink browser scanner plug-in, SafeDownload in Flock or Firefox and scanning F-Prot for Dos (good heuristics) with the automatic updater,
sorry for those where F-Prot cannot be installed because of lack of a floppy-disk. Online scanning with Bitdefender. I avoid the big three for obvious reasons (malware developers scan their miscreations against these, so bad results with 0-day or newer exploits), I use these for special tools and sometimes the stinger.exe sweep. Anti-malware can be cleansed with a good Dutch window-shell program like Hitman Pro
(download a new version every time and remove the older, because of the trial versions of programs involved). This program is used a lot by IT in Holland and South-Africa (RSA-Afrikaans), but could have legal implications for the USA or UK (Bundle programmes sometimes have). If in doubt I upload suspicious files to check against the online multiscanning jotti.de or virustotal. For references and online information you should go to Sophos or google for it (name of virus + removal). The nest phase is to learn to work special hogwart proggies like BFU, HJT (HijackThis), vundo fixer, analyzing tools, hex viewers etc. etc. After that you start to learn a script code (for instance JS) and write your own filters for browser security as a hobby.
Well that is in short my development here on this forum during the course of some over 3000 postings
Another question: “Did you start using Nod32 because you could get it free when joining the Dutch ASO/Nucia forum (Anti Spyware Activists)?”.
Generally, we’re good boys ;D
No Polonus,i could NOD32 Try for 3Months bij registrating of a website. And i must
say That i know the People of this Site verywell.So me choise where easy.And the
fact that i can learn of a other VirusProgram is olso a reason. But still i fond Avast
a good Program.And then Hitman Pro. Its good for a few times,but not to use
every week.Only if you have a infection,then are this a option.
Its works to fast,so you can not see what are removed.In me country(and yours)is
Hitman Pro not a hot program,and i write the reason here.
And Hijackthis is good,no doubt. But not longer of Merijn.org. Yes it is a first choise
if there are a infection,if you the log send up to Nucia or a Forum then are the
experts who tell you what to do. Handy Tool.
Than the last question from you Polonus. No NOD32 have no Free non resident
scanner. Who Knows,next year? No i do not know.
I did hopefully nothing forget,and i hope that me Engels are to read!!