price minus

Kan iemand mij vertellen hoe ik de adware price minus veilig kan verwijderen? de Scan en Crime fighter van Avast pikt dit niet op.

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can somebody tell me how I can remove Price Minus in google chrome, avast scan and crime fighter don’t recognize it

Attach your basic diagnostic logs. (MBAM, FRST and aswMBR)

I’ve installed malwarebytes anti malware en scanned my computer
conclusion 163 infected, can I safely delete all? or only the price minus??

Please attach your logs, else we can’t help you.

I’ve already solved it and I’m gonna buy the premium version thanks!! :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re welcome.

Hi Titia :slight_smile:

I would recommend that you follow Asyns’ advise anyhow, and post the requested logs.
Than one of our experts can check if you are indeed "clean’ again.

Greetz, Red.