Price of 1 year subscription

Hello friends :slight_smile:
Actually i am using trail version of the vpn product.Before the download it was offered to me for 59.88USD=50,21EUR.The problem is that on digital river mail they say the next charge will be 79.99EUR=95.39USD!Thats too much,if thats is true,i will cancel the subscription.

After reading this I went into my email archive and seen what they sent me. In mine, they showed the yearly price to be 89.99 (American) with a discount of 42.11 (American) with a net charge of 47.88 (American). I have not fully decided yet if I will renew in June when my comes due, but I most certainly will not at anywhere near these prices. I can’t get this VPN to work on my Amazon Fire and this is the main device I want to protect. At this point, I am in wait to see mode. I rate my chances of renewing this VPN at less than 50%.


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