Since an Avast update, my wife has been unable to print off. Could that update be the cause of the problem or is it just a coincidence?
What error messages is she getting ???
What OS, What printer and what version of Avast ???
Windows 8.1 EpsonXP312, and Avast Internet Security.
Windows ??? XP, 7, 8.1,10 ???
Is this a shared printer ???
What error messages are you getting ???
The message roughly stated that her laptop couldn’t connect with the printer.
Is the printer setup for sharing and, is the laptop finding the printer ???
(Please remember, I’m not sitting in front of your computer so you need to give me as much information as possible. )
Shared in the sense that it is used wirelessly by various family members.
Here’s what my shared Epson printer looks like:
Was the driver installed on your wife’s Laptop ??? Is that computer finding the printer ???
Hi. I don’t have access to the laptop at the moment but can tell you that all members of the family can print from the Epson wirelessly. Until a few days ago, my wife was printing from her laptop without problem. Using my iPad, I can still print without problems.
Hi. I don’t have access to the laptop at the moment but can tell you that all members of the family can print from the Epson wirelessly. Until a few days ago, my wife was printing from her laptop without problem. Using my iPad, I can still print without problems.
When you get access to the laptop, refer back to my post and see if the laptop finds, the printer.
If not, is sharing set up properly ?
One thing you have to make clear is what Avast you are running. Your answer to Bob was Avast Pro, but your signature says AIS.
If you got AIS you have to open Avast Firewall in Options. There is a section about System Rules and Allow Windows to share files and printers. Sorry I can’t be more specific but it has been a while I used AIS.
Although I still don’t have access to the laptop, I believe you are right and my wife does have AIS. IF so, will follow your advice.
Have the laptop in front of me now and the properties window has only 3 table; General, Hardware and Web Services. No sign of ‘sharing’ choices.
Control Panel> Devices and Printers> Right Click your printer > Select Printer Properties:
Once you do that you should see the following for your printer:
Thank you for the simple step-by- step instructions. Using them I found the right window and altered the the share settings. My wife tells me that the main problem is that when she clicks to print, for example, a document, the print window does not appear. Instead another window offering to save or cancel is offered.
AIS it is but couldn’t find Options.
Have just tried to print a document but just as my wife said, am being offered a save window instead of the usual print one.
A picture is better than a thousand words… Set your preferences as shown
Hi essexboy.
Could you tell me if under System Rules in your image you have this:
Image is for Avast 8. The only AIS I’ve tried.