Priority to myself on my PC...

Good evening.

I’m still thinking that Avast is great, and I have bought a Pro licence for my Pro computer.

But usually when I wake up one of my engines (several times a day), it is because I have something important to do at once with it ;D

Unfortunately, Avast too ! It slows down the PC for 2-3 minutes, time to fetch and download its files, and when the blue box opens, it simply hangs all for about 5-10s :stuck_out_tongue: This is a bit boring at the end !

Like most of people, I have my computers permanently connected to the web, and I have set the automatic VPS update on. So it could take in account that the last update was quite recent.

Is there a way (or it becomes a suggestion) to make Avast grant the priority to the user when he is using the mouse and/or keyboard ? Maybe unless the computer has been off for days before, but if it has slept for some hours, this could be at least a very handy option.

Thank you, Best regards.

Try increasing the time to wait to check updates in the .ini file. See here.
The file can be found here in a default installation: C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\avast4\Data and is opened in notepad. Try increasing it to 60, or maybe more. See how it goes. (Only edit that line.)
I’ve noticed that some - not all - Avast updates do tend to use quite a bit of CPU when applying, although it is “throttled” to >30%; when I see the red and green arrows in the sys tray I know that’s what’s at play and usually just wait a minute for it to do it’s thing. Not all users experience this.

Thank you for the hint.

I have added this key and will experiment.

For information, on several machines I’m still using Win2000 Pro, the last version that will definitively belong to the buyer ;D

Best regards.

David says:

You need to edit (using notepad) the [InetWD] section of the C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Data\avast4.ini file and add the following line (depending on your connection type):

Broadband connections, add this line:
AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120 and
AssumeAlwaysConnected=1 if not present (or edit AssumeAlwaysConnected=0 to AssumeAlwaysConnected=1)
When complete save the changes, avast’s self-defence module will ask for confirmation, etc. answer Yes.


Dial-up connections, add this line:
RASWaitSeconds=120 and
UseRAS=1 if not present (or edit UseRAS=0 to UseRAS=1)
When complete save the changes, avast’s self-defence module will ask for confirmation, etc. answer Yes.