Hey guys my isp is constantly acessing the router through a backdoor to perform the updates, but i’m very concerned about what the isp employers that may have acess to this sort tools do with them. Can they actually get information from my machine if i’m connected to the router? Is there anyway to prevent them from acessing it without permission with a firewall rule or something? Will a new router that is not from the isp do the trick? Thanks
Will a new router that is not from the isp do the trick?then you may not get on the net...... most ISP here in my contry do it like that, you must use there box to get on the net and they also remotly update them
Can an ISP remotely access my computer without my knowledge? http://askleo.com/can-an-isp-remotely-access-my-computer-without-my-knowledge/
lots of info on google
I guess you’re right i’m stuck with this router from the isp. Thank you for the link and the quick reply.