A meagre F-status: https://www.htbridge.com/websec/?id=ece2eb1de1ba44f19fdb89f95f2d8adec1367f9bed34542d9b8006282657a89a
Some issue: http://www.dnsinspect.com/olomouc.cz/1484065224
F A- C F X status: https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze.html?host=olomouc.cz
Issues on the http version: http://www.domxssscanner.com/scan?url=http%3A%2F%2Folomouc.cz
Vuln. library: http://retire.insecurity.today/#!/scan/de75addf89aa9088169180fc13d6171a9d6d569eb652c2ef0b49da0268ead497
Insecure IDs tracking: This website is insecure.
53% of the trackers on this site could be protecting you from NSA snooping. Tell -olomouc.cz to fix it.
Identifiers | All Trackers
Insecure Identifiers
Unique IDs about your web browsing habits have been insecurely sent to third parties.
-www.google.com nid
-c.imedia.cz sid
-www.olomouc.cz phpsessid
-6f5pqttvbdmmihsrl30be7luf1 -radiohana.cz phpsessid
Certificate: Wrong certificate installed.
The domain name does not match the certificate common name or SAN → Host name:
ns01.citynet.cz and firehol blocked the IP for me - htxp://
Tato doména je "zaparkována" na serveru společnosti CITYNET.parked on server!
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)