private message

Can anybody tell me how I can send a private message to a moderator?
I need a quick answer about security.
Thank you

you need 20 post`s before you can send PM

Then I will have to do it publicly. When I post messages there is an envelope icon and when it is clicked an email page comes up with my email address on it. I ticked hide my email in my profile, but only after a few hours when I realised it was displayed to the whole world.
However this has not solved my problem of the envelope icon.
Please delete all my details and all my posts from this forum.
I joined this forum to be secure, instead I feel terribly vulnerable.
Please help.

You are not insecure, it is not displayed to the whole world just you and the moderators can see it as I said before.

Read the other topic again and try what mkas suggested in the post above your last one in that topic.

This should answer your question:

This is what all of us see. Only you and the moderator are able to see your email address.

Thank you, and please can you confirm that no one can see the envelope at the side of my small head and shoulders icon, to the left of this page, apart from me.
When I click it, it opens an email page with my email address on it.

I seem to be getting confusing answers.

I have also been advised to go into this website and not log in, then I can see what others see, but I am automatically logged in when I enter.
It says hello Zaffy immediatly.

I confirm that on 100%
Please believe us, your email can not be seen!!! ;D

Hi Zaffy,

As you can see from the image, only you and the moderators of the forum can see the envelope on your posts. :slight_smile:

Bob’s image also re-inforces the fact that we (normal users etc.) cannot see it in your profile.


Thank you

Your welcome. :slight_smile: