privatefirewall 7 /online armour

Just a quick question for whoever might know, im thinking of trying privatefirewall again and was wanting to know if it is better to have the hips turned of when running with avast free.

I run PrivateFirewall with avast! 5 free and have had no problems with the hips turned on (apart from the firewall pop-ups of course, but that applies to most hips)


I used privatefirewall before switching to Avast IS. IT is a very good free firewall and it HIPS is really good and light. I suggest you leave it on. It is extremely accurate.
I can also tell you that there is an update coming in a few weeks that will bring improvements to the Filtering Capabilities of PFW that will make it even less noisy (you can hardly notice it today) and powerful.
Give it a try.


Thank’s for that, i used it a while ago but that was before i upgraded to windows 7 and was just wondering if i might conflict or be over kill since i have malwarebytes pro as well.

Well that didn’t go all that great, had better score’s on shields up with the windows firewall and privatefirewall also messed around with my hardware antilising, look’s like im sticking with window’s ::slight_smile:

I tried Private Firewall and it was terrible even worse than Windows 7 Firewall Control

I tried privatefirewall 7 and it was better that XP firewall!! I just had to close port 135 manually ( I don’t see any use for it anyway) and it scored perfect with GRC.

If you are looking for a Free Firewall with HIPS, Privatefirewall 7 is a very good choice :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Another powerful free firewall with HIPS is Online Armor that doesn’t conflict with Avast.

Tried your suggeston SafeSurf and online armour free is working great, standard trust all program setting’s and it passed all grc test’s with flying colour’s. What’s with the web shield part though, should that be on or off?

Its works differently than Avast’s web shield, so keep it on for maximum protection. I find no conflicts with having both software shields all on.