Pro install showing as Home version?

Had avast! home version installed and registered… Uninstalled home and installed F-Prot. Uninstalled F-Prot and installed avast! Pro. This install shows up as my previously registered home version.

Any thoughts on what’s going on?

Did you use the same Registration key?
If the answer is ‘yes’, everything is correct, your Pro installation will be as Home untill you fill the correct key.
If not, why don’t you try a full uninstall of avast! (use Avast Uninstall for complete desinstallation) or better, and before, the Repair function of the Control Panel?

where can i found thedifferences between the 2 versions of avast?

On our web site :wink:


thank you administrator Pavel. sorry for the question. i’ll browse a little more before making you loosing your time. avast is a good av indeed.

Uninstalled avast! Home… Installed FProt for Windows… Uninstalled FProt… Installed avast! Pro and first line of ‘About avast!..’ reads “avast! version 4.1 Home Edition”. No registration key was entered and about reads 60 day time limit.

Something is arry with avast! uninstall and/or install routines. I installed the Pro version.

Is it only the About box - or is it really a Home Edition?

Try e.g. switching to Enhanced UI - does it work?
Or does the ScriptBlocker logo show up whenever you open your browser? Are the splash screens blue (instead of green)?


I don’t see option for swithing to advanced version. And NO the script blocker does NOT fireup when starting browser. Start avast! Antivirus splash screen is green (send money) :slight_smile: and reads Home version.

I’m running XP Home with all MS updates.

Right click the system tray icon > Start avast antivirus > right click in the skin > Choose "Switch to advanced Interface

Home this help a little because everybody must have this option. :wink:
You seem not follow my first suggestions for complete desinstallation :cry:

Hmm, it seems that you really are using a Home Edition.

Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, avast antivirus - and click Change. Is the Professional Edition checkbox ticked?

If not, tick it - this will add the Pro edition files and change the configuration accordingly…


Of course, using the Pro Registration Key does not ‘install’ by itself the Professional version of avast!
You must correct the installation, as Vlk said, into Control Panel. Better luck! :wink:

Of course, using the Pro Registration Key does not 'install' by itself the Professional version of avast!

Actually, it does (or at least it should). :slight_smile:
Entering the Pro key should automatically download and install the missing packages (if they’re not installed already).

However, if I understand the original poster correctly, he used the registered Home version, and then tried to install the evaluation version of avast! Pro - i.e. without entering any key. (Or am I wrong?)

Hmm, surprised ;D

Ok… Checked/Ticked both Professional Edition options; low and behold the Pro version is now installed. I did NOT enter a key (Pro or Home) after the Pro trial version install which is consistent with a less than 60 days remaining.

Thanks for everyones help on all the features/options of avast!.