How long did you let it run? Over night? Some files may really take LONG time to scan, depending on the sensitivity of the scan, and whether archive scnaning is enabled or not…
I let one computer run for over 12 hours, it was on the same file for the whole time, before I used Task Manager to stop the program. The Task Manager window shows Avast as “Not Responding”. CPU useage is under 10% also.
Can you please try to idenfity the exact file? If there really is a file that makes avast! freeze, we’d certainly like to have it (so that we can fix the problem).
You can either enable the creation of the report file in program settings (let “OK files” be included) and “guess” the exact file according to the end of the report when it freezes, or maybe use a tool like Process Explorer to see what file avast! has open at that moment.
If you have a suspicious file, you can try to scan only that one, e.g. using the Explorer Extension, and see if the problem occurs. Or, you may also try to put the file into the list of avast! exclusions (so that it’s not scanned anymore).