Hi: I am having problems, just after the latest automatic upgrade.
When I have an email with a “click on” link, I can no longer get that web page.
Now I have to copy the shortcut, & paste it in the address bar.
The new window will open, but it isn’t getting the information until I copy & paste.
Similarly in lots of websites. When I click on a link which refers me to another page, the new window starts to open, & stalls with a blank address bar.
I can usually copy & paste the link, but I shouldn’t have to.
This started acting funy immediately after the last update of AVAST 4.1389
Did you have another browser installed in your computer? I mean, other than IE?
Did you change any other setting in your computer (Internet Options)?
Quick follow up, I tried uninstalling Avast & using another product, that didn’t work out, so I used the system rollback feature, & for some strange reason, everything is working as it should.