Excuse me if this was already asked, I just couldn’t identify this problem in the other threads.
I’m a new user of avast! 4 home edition, I’ve heard it’s a wonderful program. Sadly, I don’t seem to be able to use all its advantages. I have a hard time to explain what’s wrong since I’m using a Hungarian language version of it (so I have no clue about the English terms of the program), but I made some screenshots, hopefully they will be helpful.
I managed to install the program completely, no error messages. However, the little red warning over the “a” on the system tray is clearly showing something is wrong. When I try to start the program like this (or with desktop icon)
I get 2 grey error windows.
This one says (translated):
The system cannot open the requested tool or file.
“avast! Starting Screen” (??) cannot load the configuration.
And this one, right after I click OK:
The system cannot open the requested tool or file.
“avast! Simple working platform” (??) cannot load the configuration.
When I click on the button I marked here:
nothing happenes, and it says my status is inactive.
What exactly am I doing wrong? Could somebody please help me to solve this? I already installed and uninstalled twice and nothing changed. :-[
Thank you in advance!