:-[ My system is Win XP Pro w SvcPk3. I purchased 2 years of Avast 5 IS a few days ago and tried to install it today. I had the Free Av installed. Got the license key and download link. Got the extra CD with installation on it. Uninstalled Zone Alarm that I had. Dbl clicked on License, it inserted itself into the free AV and began the install of IS.
Rebooted computer. Wouldn’t start. would go so far and then got black screen with text on it that there was a problem starting Windows and I should choose Start Win Normally or Start using last good config. Tried Normally several times and it kept cycling back to the black screen msg. So did “using last good config”. Windows started ok but Avast was disabled.
Opened interface: Said: Unsecured…did Fix Now…nothing happened
Internet Lock = On…clicked on Turn Off…nothing happened
AV service stopped…clicked on Start Program…nothing happened
Clicked on Firewall - “can’t start, firewall unreachable”
Went to Remove software…removed Avast…tried install again…same thing happened. I had free avast on a disc so clicked to install that…got Uninstall screen for AV security…did that. Then clicked again on free avast on disc…it installed and looked fine.
Tried several times to install AV security, from within free Avast and from License…same cycle kept happening.
Did search of everything and found 2 Zone Alarm things…the toolbar and something in the recycle bin. Got rid of both of those and tried again. Same cycle.
Am SO frustrated and angry…I paid $70 for 2 years of this and the extra CD…At this point all I want is my money back! I put in a ticket on the tech support site but no response yet. I should have done the free 30 day trial but there was a special on the 2 yr thing and I didn’t see anything about a free trial there.
I’d researched this and thought Avast was the best…not so sure now!!