Forgive me if this has been addressed, or close…
Was/am using Avast Free version after a recent bout of problems with viruses, spy & Mal-ware, etc. My HD started dying (or so I’m assuming as after a “recent” scan followed by a boot-time scan (lasting what seemed like all bloody day!!!) and either outright deleting or moving infected files to the vault <Mostly old programs that I didn’t need anymore, whether they were actually infected or not), and a few…blink blink .mp3 files… I finally ended the scan after it had been on 99% for a good hour or so <+/- 15-45 min> …Upon reboot was getting a whole host of problems and errors along the lines of: Read Time of HD clusters less than 500ms - Critical Error; 35% of HD space unreadable - Crit. Err.; Bad Sectors on HD or Damaged File Allocation Table - Crit Error, Boot Sector Damaged - Crit. Error HD doesn’t respond to system commands - Crit. Err. etc, etc…Bought a new HD and am starting fresh…‘Problem’ I’m running into is my USB backup drive, instead of having the 20+ folders and a good 100-350GB or so of files <music, videos, pics, logs, etc.> that it had–Not a week before!–Seems to be “Gone” Or at least, I. Can’t. See. It/Them. ??? Yet trying to make a more recent backup of at least one of the folders told me " ‘MushClient Logs’ directory already exists, overwrite? " So the folders and such are still THERE, I just can’t see them for some reason… Anyone know how to reverse this?
Before the incident I could see and read the drive just fine, when I hooked the USB drive up to the backup system of a re-borrowed laptop, I initially saw like only 1-3 folders: some odd mixture of lowercase letters and numbers along the lines of ‘d20f2a1ada3…’ created 1/12/2011 @ 6:??pm, the ‘##aswSNX private Storage’ folder made 5/9 @ around 8:54P.M. and a file: MediaID.bin dated 7/15/09 at 10 min to 1pm <all times CST not that it makes any dif. for this. >
I temp. hooked the old HD back up, as a secondary drive, thinking maybe to pull some of the files off (like my semi-required firefox sync key to get into my saved bookmarks and stuff>, as well as hopefully that ‘recent’ backup of music, logs, pics and documents… But 2 things… 1: theres a ##aswSnx private storage folder on it as well, and, upon looking into certain folders on the old drive, I’m informed that I don’t have permission to view that folder…Yadda Yadda…“Give Admin priv” (or whatever)… it does it’s thing, then tells me the folder is EMPTY! (I’m hoping that this is an ‘effect’ of the ## aswSnx folder <??? yes/No/MaybeSo?>
If anyone can help me figure this out (and hopefully reclaim even some of my files) I would greatly appreciate it.
So about the help I suppose I’m asking for is if anyone knows how to “restore” the seemingly missing/hidden files that I seem to have after using Avast('s Sandboxing) ? Odd thing is, I don’t recall having the backup drive on after installing Avast (not to say I didn’t cause I obviously did at least once, else how could it have a ##aswSnx folder on it, let alone one dated just shy of a week exactly ago)
Forgive me for the rambling…And again, thank you for any help you can give.