Problem scanning to file / Problem z skanowaniem do pliku

I have a problem with Avast Premium Security. The firewall in the program blocks my printer’s access to the folder where I scan files. This is an HP 575 printer connected to my computer by a network cable through a router. When the firewall is enabled, the printer displays a message that the folder path is missing. And when the firewall is turned off, the scan to the network folder goes without problems.
Please help.
Regards :slight_smile:

Polish language:
Mam problem z programem Avast Premium Security. Zapora sieciowa w programie blokuje mi dostęp drukarki do folderu, do którego skanuję pliki. Jest to drukarka HP 575 podłączona z moim komputerem kablem sieciowym przez router. Kiedy zapora jest włączona drukarka wyświetla komunikat o braku ścieżki do folderu. A kiedy zapora zostanie wyłączona skan do folderu sieciowego idzie beż problemów.
Proszę o pomoc.
Pozdrawiam :slight_smile:

Is your firewall in puplic or private mode? … if in puplic try private and restart computer

Setting up Firewall Application Rules in Avast Antivirus


NOTE:The Network profiles control the settings which determine how strictly Firewall protects your PC.

Private: a lower level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a trusted network such as your home or work network.
This profile enables better connectivity, and permits all communication within the network.

Public: a higher level of security suitable for when your PC is connected to a public network such as in a cafe or airport.
Because public networks present greater security risks, no incoming communication is permitted when this profile is set.


Is your firewall set to private?

Regardless of the setting of the private or public firewall. the problem is repeated

Did you restart computer after setting it to private?

also see post here from BWhit

Yes, the computer was restarted

I will set everything tomorrow, as in the links from you. And write if it succeeded. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your help, everything is working already. I did everything as in this link:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting us know the fix worked for you.