Problem seeing clients


I have a problem with ADNM not seeing my clients correctly. What I mean is, that it sees them all but has them with the key logo next to them. Currently it only has 3 listed as green. We do have enough licenses for all our 25 stations and server.

Here is what it looks like so far.

Under Computer Catalog, it has all our workstations, including our server (which is where adnm is installed), with only 3 green
Under Dynamic Computer Groups (Computers with Agent), it shows 20 workstations, with the 3 green workstations
Under Dynamic Computer Groups (Computers without Agent), it shows 5 workstations and the server.

Do I need to uninstall, reinstall anything? Is it something simple? Please help!

Thanks in advance!

You can try this, it’s better than reinstall:

Control Panel β†’ Add/Remove Programs β†’ avast! Management Tools β†’ Repair