problem sending mail with redirect, clean & infected notes not being inserted

i am using avast 4.7 home in windows vista business with eudora 7.1 email program.

i have a problem sending mail when trying to use redirect: the ports on my att account were changed by my isp from pop110/smtp25 to 995/465, supposedly for more security. i assumed i needed to change the redirect ports from their default in avast to reflect this, so avast would keep scanning my email. however, i could not send or receive email if i did that- i got an error in eudora of :

, connecting to the mail server…
ssl negotiation failed: the connection with the server has been lost. cause: (5)

, connecting to the mail server…
error reading from network. cause: connection closed by foreign host. :(0)

the error goes away if i reset the redirect back to 110/25, but i assume my mail
is not scanned then. mayhap i’m wrong, and i misunderstood the help files for avast.

so, am i supposed to set the ports in redirect to the ports my email program and isp use, and if so, why am i getting an error? or, do i leave them set to 110/25 irregardless of what eudora and my isp are set to?

the other problem is that i also set the resident task settings in the on access protection control to insert notes about clean & infected mail into the email i am sending and receiving, and nothing is getting inserted. can someone tell me how to fix that?

The whole idea of secure email is to keep prying eyes out, including AVs and since avast works ‘outside’ the email client, it can’t scan encrypted email.

avast is also expecting the standard (non-secured) email protocols, if you redirect encrypted traffic to avast when it is expecting to receive standard POP3 or SMTP traffic it will effectively hang as it can’t unencrypt it or hand it off to the secure ports.

So effectively avast isn’t scanning those ports so it passes through, if you want to have encrypted email scanned you have to use a third party tool called STunnel.

Whilst these for the most part relate to Gmail, it gives the general idea of how to set-up STunnel and avast. I’m sorry I can’t be of any practical help I have never used STunnel.

Gmail and Avast Providers
Solution: Using GMail with Avast and a SPAM filter
Redirecting multiple SSL accounts
Stunnel now comes as an installer which installs Open SSL and Stunnel so now you just have to download the installer version from here

If this related to inserting clean notes into the secure email then that obviously can’t be done, though personally I don’t see the clean note as that useful. I’m a trusting person (not) and I don’t take these clean notes at face value. There are many AVs that insert clean notes and I don’t trust them and in order to see the clean note you have to have opened the email, so all my email is scanned. There are even infected emails that place a clean note purporting to come from an AV for the very reason to lull you int a false sense of security.

thanks for the reply and the info. i’ll take a look at the links and program.

No problem, welcome to the forums.