Problem setting up Webshield Exclusion

I have Vista Home Basic w/SP2 and Avast Free 2014.9.0.2011. I am trying to set up an exclusion in Web Shield to avoid an application, which can’t be adjusted according to the vendor, constantly asking for updated info. The site is, a weather forecast site. When I look under Statistics it shows the following:,station=yyy,… (xxx and yyy are various station names)

So far I have entered as exclusions:**

With these exclusions entered I still see in the statistics that it is still being scanned. What am I doing wrong please?

Myself and countless others use wunderground(dot)com and have no issues.

GUI>Settings>Anti-Virus>scroll down to “exclusions”


GUI>Settings>Active Protection>click on the web shield “sprocket”>click “exclusions”>add the URL

Using your second method, that is exactly what I did with the 3 lines mentioned in the original post. If I look at the exclusion list now all 3 of them are listed along with one unrelated one, yet I still see them being scanned when I look at the Statistics latest scanned. What are you using for an exclusion to the site?

Do you enter these into global exclusions dialog or into webshield’s provider one? Can you try globals?

Here is the path that I used to enter the exclusions:

GUI>Settings>Active Protection>click on the web shield “sprocket”>click “exclusions”>add the URL (added the URLs here and they still are scanned)

I now followed this path:

GUI>Settings>Anti-Virus>Exclusions (added the URLs here and the scanning stopped for them)

Thank You very much.