Problem that Anti-Theft believes being stolen when travelling to other countries


I use TheftAware for more than one year now and noticed from time to time that TheftAware sends “I’m stolen”-messages to my configured contacts when travelling to other countries. Last week my girlfriend’s phone even sent me one of these messages just after being back to its “home country”.

Does anybody have an idea how to debug this? It’s always some costs being called in foreign countries by my alarmed contacts and also for the messages being sent (indeed you can see in them than the “new” number is still my old one).

My phone: HTC Desire with Cyanogenmod 7.10
Gf’s phone: Huawei U8510/Ideos X3 with shipped ROM (Android 2.3.3)

Thanks in advance and regards from Spain,


hm maybe your phone notifies status SIM ABSENT which would cause this. please contact me at holzner at and i’ll send you a debug package. Are you using Anti-Theft or Theft Aware?



thanks for the quick reply, mail is on its way.

I’m using the latest version of Anti-Theft (last update today ;)). I hoped that this problem would be already known but I will do my best to help debugging this problem.

Thx & regards :),

hm when will you travel to another country again?