Problem updating to latest 5.0.xxxx

I have 2 computers running Avast 5 free. One hadn’t been used since last month and was (I think) at 5.0.377 when I booted up yesterday afternoon. The other was at 5.0.4?? when I booted up. When I tried to update the former computer, it started but then stopped leaving it at .377.

A little while later, the other computer gave me a message that .462 was available and it updated sucessfully but still couldn’t get first computer to successfully update. I rebooted but it still wouldn’t update afterward. I don’t see any error messages or any message indicating why it won’t update. Any ideas?

is .377 a official release or pr/beta? (if pr/beta maybe deinstall/reinstall is needed)
which os do u use?
have u eventually lost inet-connection while updating?

I think that 5.0.377 was a pre-release version, so it is probably best to do a clean reinstall of 5.0.462:

Download the latest version of avast, 5.0.462 and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here ensure you get the version5 one (it has uninstall tools for both 4.8 and 5.0), aswClear5.exe and save it to your HDD.

    1. Now uninstall (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility from safe mode, first for 4.8 if previously installed and then for 5.0, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.

It’s been a long time since I posted and then haven’t been back to read the replies. Now I find that one computer is still at 5.0.377 and still says that 5.0.418 is available but clicking Update program doesn’t do anything. The other computer is now at 5.0.677 which I assume is the latest. Why, per the last reply, would I have to uninstall and run a special utility, i.e., why doesn’t first computer show that .677 is the latest and just install it on .377?

I will try to check back soon for an answer, or maybe start a new topic.

As my old post said the 5.0.377 was a pre-release version so may not update to the regular version as it could be a bug in the pre-release version. A consequence of beta testing is that you may have to do a clean install (best solution I feel) of the latest release version if the update fails.

So basically follow the above instructions but the link would be fore the latest version not what it was in march 2010.

This is the direct download link:
Free AV: - (English only)

I already downloaded .677 setup. Didn’t know or remember that .377 was a beta. Have others had problems just trying to install .677 (or other real version) over .377?

Version 5.0.677 is now installed and seemingly running OK. Thank you.

Having experienced a problems, it is generally best to do a clean install.

You’re welcome.