Problem whit Avast! Webrep

Since yesterday evening none of the web pages show any kind of rating. Avast Webrep is correctly installed. Is the server under maintenance again or it is a problem of mine?

I am getting the same, so i would say problem on Avast end.

Will wait and see what other avast users report.

Just noticed this thread


It is a server problem. We’re working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the info mafist


Tnaks for the information

The WebRep to me now is that with firefox internet explorer 8 will not work with the version of Avast 6.0.1000 …
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing changes

See Reply #2…!!!

In what way? Not showing in the browser interface or just not showing the ratings?

I’m italian like you, my web rep doesn’t work still now.It’s a server problem

I thought it was ok to a problem of avast! wait until it works because it is not just a visual indication of all

Webrep works now :slight_smile:

I confirm it works
;D ;D ;D ;D

I have just installed Webrep after updating the Avast program (I have the free version, XP Home and Mozilla). It works when I visit any site, but I don’t have any icons on Google search. Any suggestions?

It should be fixed in a short time. It is an issue caused by a recent server problem. Thank you for patience.

Funny, it works here…

Webrep is working here, but all my votes/checks are gone :frowning:

Greetz, Red.

I’m running firefox 3.6.13, and WebRep isn’t working for me. I click the grey bars in my toolbar, and a)every site I’ve visited has all grey bars and no rep (even really large sites, such as the Oxford University Dictionary site), and b) if I try to vote, I can select categories and rate it, but clicking the vote button does absolutely nothing. I only installed WebRep a couple days ago & this is the first time I’ve tried to use it.

Also, the categories are VERY limiting. I wouldn’t be able to rate many of the sites I visit because they don’t fit into any of them. Luminarium is a literature anthology site, for example, and I also visit archaeology sites, mythology sites, and specialised encyclopaedias. They fit under none of the existing categories. I suggest adding an “education” category, a “science” category, and a “social sciences” category – or at least, education. Most of the sites I visit either are informative but not news or contain literature or other fiction. I don’t consider those “social/hobby,” and certainly none of the other categories fit, either. If there’s a forum for suggestions, I’ll be happy to post this suggestion there.

Webrep isn’t working again on mozilla firefox for me

Not working for me almost the entire day…

Hi :slight_smile:

Firefox - & - IE8
Web Rep hasn’t worked for me all day today :cry:
