Problem with adding exclusions to File System Shield.

Hi, I’m running Avast 7.0.205 and the avast! Enterprise Administration Console.
When I create a new group and go to customize the File System Shield exclusion list only three of them are still there after I press OK.
It’s like you can only enter a limited number of letters to the exclusion list.
I include a sniping that show’s the problem.

Has anyone else had this problem, is there a fix?

You’re using an outdated version.

it was old version, upgrade this version to New EA console v. 7.0.309 from add and remove program [ in XP] or Programs and Features [in seven or win 2008]

Ahh…thx, for the quick replies.

You’re welcome.

Yes, I hit that same bug with Lukas, and he fixed it. So, thanks again to Lukas! (-: