Problem with ADNM: database was full and everything corrupted

I was running avast ADNM on Windows XP SP2 (Spanish). Installed the MSDE version. Always running ADNM with Administrator user.

Everything was running ok for 4 days. Initially, I was unable to detect computers on my domain (Win2003 Ent), but I solved this changing detection mode to Active Directory. I deployed the avast package (3 computers had avast Pro demo installed, and I was unable to install administrable version over those computers, I had to manually remove avast Pro… was I right?).

Yesterday, the database size becomes over 2GB. ADNM stopped working (all services running, but no responses to any task, just “Wating” status for everything). Tried to get info about this issue, and the table “File” (why did Alwill choose a reserved name???) with a size of 2GB but specified as “Unused space” by SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager. I don’t know why this table hold several file data, I even don’t know what exactly was holding on it (just 96 records, some records shows a Content size of more than 180MB).

I have no choice than recreate the database. So I closed avast console, stopped services, and then using AMS Maintenance delete and create the database, all successful.

I logged in, had to use default admin password, and of course, no computers, no group, no deploy tasks.

I fired a “Discover computers” task, and it detects the computers, but all detected computers are shown with all fields empty, like when I installed ADNM 4 days ago. It doesn’t detect the administrable version on target PC.

I already tried:

  • Repair ADNM installation.
  • Ran MDAC 2.8 check and no problems reported.
  • Deleted a single computer and created it manually, it is added but same problem, no detect managed version.
  • Disabled firewall on server computer (XP SP2) and target computer (XP SP2). Re-discover, re-create computer, nothing work.
  • With both firewalls already disabled (despite the fact the avast exceptions are fully defined), I deleted all computers on ADNM and then Re-discover. The target computer “Sys01” is still detected but no agent present. Agent is running on that computer.
  • I re-created the Avast NetClient package and re-deploy it to the target computer “Sys01”, the deploy was just fine, terminated with an “done” on console and the log shows everything went ok, but the computer is still on Dynamic group “computers with no agent” (of course, I refreshed everything with F5 and Refresh popup option too).
    07/18/08 12:42:03: rinstInstall begin
    07/18/08 12:42:03: Init 50 60 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\asw22.tmp C:\Archivos de programa\Alwil Software\Management Tools\InstPkgs NULL C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\asw21.tmp 0
    07/18/08 12:42:03: Store
    07/18/08 12:42:03: Domains: ALESSA,
    07/18/08 12:42:03: Init alessa\sys01
    07/18/08 12:42:03: sys01: GetAccount
    07/18/08 12:42:03: sys01: Queueing
    07/18/08 12:42:03: StartThread
    07/18/08 12:42:03: Loop
    07/18/08 12:42:03: SpawnThreads
    07/18/08 12:42:03: sys01: StartSetup
    07/18/08 12:42:03: sys01: Connecting
    07/18/08 12:42:03: sys01: Copying files
    07/18/08 12:42:03: sys01: Copying aswISvc.exe
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying Admin.ini
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: aswResp.dat not present
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying Tasks.xml
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying setup.exe
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying setif_av_net-334.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying setup_av_net-334.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying av_net_agent-e2.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying av_net_cmn-56.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying av_net_dll409-72.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying av_net_dll40a-50.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:04: sys01: Copying av_pro_dll409-181.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:05: sys01: Copying av_pro_dll40a-118.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:05: sys01: Copying av_pro_hlp409-310.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:05: sys01: Copying av_pro_hlp40a-2fd.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:05: sys01: Copying av_pro_skins-13.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:05: sys01: Copying av_srv_core-30e.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:05: sys01: Copying av_srv_dll-169.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:06: sys01: Copying avscan-2f2.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:06: sys01: Copying winsys-2.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:06: sys01: Copying winsysgui-2.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:06: sys01: Copying vps-8071800.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying vpsm-8071801.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying news405-32.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying news409-32.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying jrog-43.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying part-prg_av_net-334.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying part-vps-8071801.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying part-news-4b.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying part-setup_av_net-334.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying part-jrog-43.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying prod-av_net.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying jollyroger.vpu
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Copying servers.def
    07/18/08 12:42:09: sys01: Creating service
    07/18/08 12:42:10: sys01: Starting service
    07/18/08 12:43:03: sys01: ReadProgress
    07/18/08 12:43:03: sys01: Finished OK
    07/18/08 12:43:03: sys01: RemoveProgress
    07/18/08 12:43:03: sys01: CloseConnection
    07/18/08 12:43:03: TerminateAll
    07/18/08 12:43:03: rinstInstall end 0

I don’t know what else to do. There is no task “force agent detection” or something. This is using more time that I was planned to use.

I had a lot of trouble with Generation of Reports. They worked just fine, but when I try to use the “export” option to send them via SMTP, always got an “Unknown error”. Apparently, each failure left something on the database. Today I started another test server from scratch, and have same problem. I don’t know if this is caused because I’m using Windows in spanish, but this is very annoying. I generated reports (predefined infection reports) and everything went ok. I copied the same report definition and just changed the option to export to pdf (tried all other formats also, no luck) and destination addresses, the report just left an “unknown error” message. I also tried without emails, just exporting to file. Curiously, if I open the generated report (predefined) and choose the “export” button, they are exported fine, but is very annoying doing this for each report and doesn’t accomplish the automation goal. How can I solve this too?