Problem with App Lock password and password reset on Android phone

I installed Avast Mobile Security (free) on my android phone and did not have an Avast Account established or any Avast products on anything else. I only used the antivirus feature to scan for viruses. I use gmail on the phone and had gotten some suggestions from time to time to lock the gmail app. today i decided to try the lock app feature. I clicked on the lock app feature within Mobile Security and it had me type in a secondary phone number (typed in 10 digit landline #) - to recover my pin if needed. I then typed in a pin twice. After that it had me chose 2 apps to lock and I chose gmail and system settings.

Now every time I try to get into Avast Mobile Security, gmail or system settings, App Lock asks for a PIN but the pin i typed in twice at setup doesn’t work now. I try to use the “Forgot your PIN?” feature and it says “You need to setup your Avast Account or your second phone number, to reset your Avast PIN.”

As a last ditch effort, I established an Avast Account to see if there was a way to do something. Don’t see anything to help the situation when I login from a desktop. Unfortunately I assume the online account should have been setup first - don’t know. I thought using a secondary phone number, without establishing an online account, would work to recover my pin if needed. Nothings working and I’m locked out of 3 critical applications (system settings, Avast Mobile Security and gmail). Don’t know how I’d restore phone to factory settings even at this point since locked out of system settings. ??? (Restore forgotten PIN)