I bought a new Macbook Air on Thursday and then transmitted all my data to it from my old Macbook Air by time machine backup.
Since that day, I keep receiving the message from avast! “the engine cannot launch, please try to re-install the program or contact the support”.
After looking into this forum for help, I found the solution with copying the 400.vps file into the com.avast.MacAvast folder.
BUT: When I look into the com. etc-folder, the 400.vps is already there!!!
Still I did copy the file into the folder, but no success.
I have tried to delete the old 400.vps and replace them (on both places).
I have relaunched avast by the icon in the applications list and tried to launch it via the installation client…
HELP ME PLEASE, I am going nuts!!!
Edit: I did copy the file into the com.avast folder by using cmnd+c and cmnd+v - if this wasn’t correct, I would appreciate if you told me the right way to do it
Is there a way to repair the installation? I don’t know, as I’ve never been able to use avast with a mac before. Hopefully a mac user will be along with some good tips shortly.
first, quit avast!, and delete the old 400.vps there (might be corrupted by that clipboard ctrl-c ctrl-v operation, who knows).
then, copy the “bulletproof” 400.vps from /Applications/avast!.app/Contents/Resources there (use drag-and-drop between two Finder windows, NOT clipboard).