Problem with avast! 6 Free Antivirus

I from Russia and badly know English language. Therefore I use the electronic translator.
I am the employee the company Internet. Lately to us has arrived about fifty calls with such problem:

After system start the personal computer hangs (the computer doesn’t react on what in general: at attempt to open any application - hangs, at “control panel” opening etc. - the same result).
The decision was very strange - the antivirus avast (6 Free Antivirus 6.0.1367) has been removed, but to remove through usual loading of OS it was not possible, and it was possible to remove only in a safe mode.
After that all has earned - all opens, the Internet works.
Having established again avast! 6 Free Antivirus (6.0.1367) - all works without problems.
The given problem has arisen two, three days ago at almost 50 people.
It is noticed that at people it is established as OS MS windows XP SP3, and MS windows 7.
P.S. Problems with foreign programs or with hardware cannot be. On all personal computers a miscellaneous hardware and a software. The given situation and on OS established one week ago was observed. Once again I specify that the problem disappears after reinstallation avast (6 Free Antivirus 6.0.1367).
P.P.S. The given problem arises already the second time!!! It would not be desirable to be disappointed and pass to antiviruses of the foreign companies (((

Does the systems fulfill the system requirements for avast?

true indian, yes

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