Problem with Avast and XP SP2 RC2

  1. first of all i want to thank avast for letting me use AVAST Home for free.

I have a : ASUS K8V Deluxe mb with a AMD Athlon 64 3200 CPU
before i installed SP2 RC2 Avast worked perfect
then i did a clean install of Windows XP and run the SP2 RC2 first
before installing any programs. then i Installed avast
it looked as if Avast was working as before but when i opend
my eicar test file it dit not see it. another test at told me it found some but missed most.
after that i uninstalled SP2 RC2 and reinstalled Avast and it found the
eicar file , and the test on gfi went verry wel almost 100%
I am not verry technical but it seems SP2 RC2 does something
that afects the scanner (hope this is useful )

Check that stupid internal SP2 antivirus software monitor they use, and disable it… That might help. I’ve heard most AV’s got issues with SP2.

Sounds like Micro$oft is looking for another monopoly, and is about ready to release their own AV, and in the process, probably looking to break all of the competitors products… Man, do they suck or what?

Wonder how long I can avoid installing SP2? LOL! I hear they got a little 100 million dollar marketing blitz ready for SP2 rollout… Joy…

cj I’ve been looking for someonw with AMD64+XPSP2 for about a month. See;action=display;threadid=4834 (it’s a sticky topic so it’s actually at the top)…

Too bad you didn’t come sooner. :-\

We’re hoping for resolving of the issue before SP2 goes gold. I’m now gettting an AMD64 machine myself…


Hi vlk
Thanks for your resopnse , I saw your thread , but I wasn’t sure if it was a SP2RC2 problem or if it had anything to do with my machine having an AMD 64.
and I only installed sp2 rc2 yesterday for the first time,
and have now uninstalled it again
So I don’t know if not having sp2 rc2 is any help to you?
but if i can be of help let me know .
You are saying that you hope to resolve this issue, does this mean you were aware of this problem?
I have down loaded a new copy of sp2 rc2 just in case, but it produced the same problems, as before, now I am back on sp1 and scanner is ok. :slight_smile:
all is not lost you will love your AMD 64 , I know Intel always looks better on paper and Icome from a P4 2.4 Dual DDR but i must say I never looked back :smiley:


Yes we are aware of the issue. It’s related to the new “EVP” (Enhanced Virus Protection) feature of AMD64 that prevends avast from doing its job. We’re looking for methods to overcome this.

:smiley: Hi VLK
When you talked about , EVP , The bels started ringing and i had another look at your Thread, reinstalled SP2 RC2 and turned of The DEP for hardwere, and Bingo avast finds the Eicar again :smiley:
If you want some more input feel free to ask,
i’ll reply in than in your AMD thread
Thanks CJ