Problem with Avast--but will try again

OK, I have a new install, XP SPIII, and after receiving all the updates and patches, I decided to try Avast, because it was recommended in PC World magazine. Run fine and did a quick scan of the system and everything went fine. The second program I installed was a CD burner software from After installing and restarting, Avast notified me 'the system was’nt secure" Opening the interface, it said the service was not running, and 'fix it now" Clicking on this just made the program non reponsive, Tried rebooting and still the same result. I went into Windows Services and it said the avast service was disabled. I clicked on start and the system blue screened.

So anyway I uninstalled avast through the control panel. To be sure, I also d/led the removal utility. The instructions say to run this tool in safe mode, but in safe mode it did’nt appear on the desktop. So I ran it in normal mode. after that I did a system restore that I created before I installed Avast.

This weekend I will try it again as there was a possibilty this imgburn software might have a conflict with avast


What BSOD Error codes did you get? 0x00000077? or 0x000000f4.
Can be ram or hard drive issues (bad clusters/ blocks)

This might sound too basic to some users, but not to all, so…

After installing avast, reboot. After installing imgburn, reboot. Don’t install several tools without rebooting in between.

Whatever happened, I don’t think it is an incompatibility or conflict between imgburn and avast. Some “glitch” or some other corruption could have been possible, but I doubt is something systematic and reproducible every time.

FWIW, I have avast and imgburn both installed and working fine, but the specific versions, OS and hardware might play a role too.

It was a 7e pointing to a kmixer.sys file… The hard drive is fine. i ran west digital diag on it

Glad to see someone else uses imgburn
