problem with avast font


I have been using Avast 5 (free) for some time now, and suddenly the fonts on the UI for Avast changed. I am attaching a screenshot of my main screen. As you can see the fonts are smaller and different. Can anyone help me restore the previous settings?



do u install any software?

If you go to Control Panel / Region and language / Administrative - what does the lower group (Language for non-Unicode programs) say?

I don’t see any difference in mine, in fact they look larger than yours, I have my avastUI as small as it allows me to make it, even though I have a 1920x1200 resolution TFT. Even on full screen the font size remains the same.

Have you changed any of your windows settings ?

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the quick responses.

It says English(United States)

Thats the point exactly. The font sizes appear smaller than usual on my machine. I have not changed any windows settings.

Any help is appreciated.

No problem, glad I could help.

Are other fonts appearing smaller, like in other applications ?

If it were truly a change in the avastUI I would have expected to see it across all avast users and currently we aren’t seeing that on the forums.

Whilst it is possible in the windows desktop settings to change font sizes, it is best to wait on your answer about other application fonts, as changing it would impact on those too.

Other than that I’m at a bit of a loss as to why it is happening.

Welcome to the forums.

What OS are you running?
Also, do you have MS Office 2007 or 2010 installed?

Generally,the UI fonts will look different on Vista/W7 than in XP, or if you have Office avast will use the fonts shipped with it.


Hi again,

The other fonts appear fine. I do not see any difference in other applications. This is why its baffling me. And thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:

The only thing related to office 2007 on my machine is a compatibility pack, which is downloaded when I need to open a docx or xlsx file. I have by default windows XP and Office 2003 on my machine.

Would a log of HijackThis help?

Hi again,

Does anyone have any ideas?

Do you want me to post a log of HijackThis?

Is the font problem throughout your entire Avast GUI or only on the main Summary page?

Have you tried an Avast Repair?

  • Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Avast Antivirus > Remove.
  • Then choose Repair function in the pop-up window (Repair). Reboot.

If this does not work, then I suggest an uninstall and clean install of Avast:

  1. Save a copy of newest version of Avast (5.0.677) for the version you need and save it to your HDD:
  2. Download the Avast Uninstall Utility, aswClear5.exe and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for both 4.0 and 5.0). If you used a prior version of Avast on this machine, run the Tool for 5.0 and the other version at this time.
  3. Disconnect from the Internet at this time.
  4. Boot into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly) and run the Avast Uninstall Tool.
  5. Reboot twice.
  6. Install the newest version of Avast and reboot.
  7. Get Internet access and update Avast definitions.
  8. Register your copy or add the license key for Free.
    Free –

Let me know if this works. :slight_smile:

@ kaiser101

I see

I have by default windows XP and Office 2003 on my machine.

Any Office package loaded will affect system fonts I believe.

See Vlk’s post: