Problem with Chrome and SPDY protocol

I’ve been constantly getting spdy protocol error while using Chrome. As, it turns out Avast Web-Shield is to blame for this - I found out about it in one a reddit threads about this issue. A lot of people complained about it and reported that after deactivating Avast the problem went away. Since, a lot of people are using Chrome and this spdy error is extremely annoying I was hoping Avast team could look into it.
You, guys, are loosing customer. I personally have been happily using Avast for the last 5 years at least, and now I have no choice but to uninstall it at least for the meantime until you fix the problem.

What OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?
What exact version of Chrome ?
What is the error you are getting (if any) ? (I suspect a server 40 error)
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
Do you also have the problem with other browsers ?
Have you tried changing settings in the webshield ?

What’s up, dudes? Same issue here, happens on both of my laptops and my desktop, running Windows 7 and 10, and it only affects Chrome. Content from certain sites encounter SPDY protocol errors url=[/url], the most-affected for me are Facebook, Wikimedia (which sources most of the images for Wikipedia), and Reddit, it only happens to certain sites and not others, probably due to the way Avast handles their SSL transactions, as these are all https.

100% positive Avast is the culprit, as I have no other security software running and the issue goes away when disabling the Avast web shield or adding the offending site to the exceptions list. Avast and Chrome are the latest versions, 11.1.2245 and 47.0.2526 respectively, and once again, this happens across all of my computers, they’re all up-to-date and use Avast Internet Security. If there’s a location where Avast dumps logs about stuff like this, let me know and i’ll grab it.

I’m not sure if it is the combination of avast (webshield) + chrome.
I’m using Opera and even with all shields disabled I’m getting a occasional server 40 error.
It does happen more when visiting one of the avast websites than with others.

Unfortunately it most probably will be Avast + Chrome. I have a different config (corporate notebook with McAfee) and I had no SPDY protocol errors using it…

Using Windows 10 + Avast free + Chrome latest.

See if the following is of any help to you:

Okay, same problem here.
Reddit thread about it:
Youtube video of problem:
Chrome Version: 47.0.2526.111 m
Win 7 64bit

I also get this problem, mostly with Facebook and Reddit. Flushing the SPDY sockets always fixes it for short while, but it happens daily. This is a real pain in the ass.

Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Always latest Chrome (currently 47.0.2526.111 m)
Avast version 11.1.2245

The problem is not the combination of avast + Chrome.
As I said before I have the same problem with avast + Opera.

I have used Chrome the past week frequently and hadn’t had the problem a single time.

Happened again a few minutes ago. It does affect Chrome, but evidently also affects Opera for you.

I removed avast completely and still have the problem in Opera.

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 10.0.10586.63 (latest stable)
Avast 11.1.2245
Chrome 47.0.2526.111 m (latest stable)
This webpage is not available ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR
No other security related software installed
I haven’t used other browsers enough to run into the error
I’ve added the site to the web shield exclusion list, we’ll see if that makes a difference.