I have used Defraggler twice, mainly because it displays fragmentation and Windows Vista Home Premium does not which works without a display.
This was the result:
File System NFTS Laptop capacity 290.0 GB Used 82.3 GB Free Space 207.6 GB
BEFORE “defraggling” Free Space was 219 GB. 12 GB of memory must have gone somewhere!
It seems to eat the memory everytime it is used, mainly by creating enormous System Volume Information files. Could these be where the 12 GB of memory went??
{79788eda-389e-11df-ab14-001dba8bb349}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 10 15833505792 C:\System Volume Information\
These it does not defragment and I would not wish to tamper with SVI without knowing whether it is these that are eating 12 GB of memory.
Any ideas? Maybe I should use CCleaner to clean the registry?
May be your system have created a restore point before defragmentation process. This is not a problem of Defraggler. Defraggler often cannot defragment such large files. If you want back that 12gb, turn off your system restore(not a wise idea) and then turn it on and then manually create a restore point.
Cleaning reagistry with Ccleaner will not help. Registry Cleaning is always dangerous.
So there is nothing that I can do? Obviously I cannot turn off system restore, but perhaps there is a way to delete the old restore points and leave the most recent (yestardays)? . … (As it does seem, as you say, that the system reacts to Defraggler by creating a Sys Restore point.)
Yes, there is a possibilty to delete old restore points.
Right click on the drive. Somewhere is the options “optimize” or “free up space” or something like that. Than you will find a button for advanced options (or something like that), there you can delete all restore points except the last one.
If you are German you can reply in German, as my Anleitungen for Vista are all in German. My understanding of German is good and I don’t want to screw up. Your suggestion sounded logical but a bit dangerous!
OK I have right-clicked and clicked on Eigenschaften (properties) which gave me the first screen shot you showed me. Then I clicked on Reinigen which then asks which file. I stopped there. Ah - our posts keep crossing. I#ll wait until I have read yours.
As I don’t understand German, I didn’t understand what he said. But I have a suggestion to delete old restore point. But first make a manual restore point.
I guess you have Ccleaner, open this go to “Tools”>“System Restore”
It will show the system restore points that has been created. Delete the desired one… that’s it…
thanks. that looks simple enough. I was following Zyndstoff’s suggestion using his Windows 7 displays as a guide which I belive are also in German, but the displays differed slightly since mine is Vista. I don’t want to click on the wrong option because of a language problem!
Re CCleaner: I am certain that my last Sys Restore points were today or yesterday. Would it be sufficient to delete all shown by CCleaner and simply keep the latest?
I lack confidence in messing with this andhave given up on Zyndstoff’s approach until further clatification.
I repeat re CCleaner: I am certain that my last Sys Restore points were today or yesterday. Would it be sufficient to delete all shown by CCleaner and simply keep the latest?
System Volume Information is a margin of system, inside the system volume information is the information of what kind of format do have in your system,(ex: fat32,fat,ntfs,or exfat) with the service host hosting the volume.
i have this experiment a months ago my external drive (format ntfs) i see system volume information with it, so im thinking that it is a virus, so i deleted it with unlocker, 3-days ago after deleting the system volume information in my external drive, my external drive become informated
my files is hopeless i cannot recover it. there is the software that can see the file in informative drive but i cannot afford to buy it.
I get the message - don’t f**k around with system files unless you know what you are doing, and I am talking about my C Drive …
I still haven’t had the gust to try my CCleaner on those old restore points:" I am certain that my last Sys Restore points were today or yesterday. Would it be sufficient to delete all shown by CCleaner and simply keep the latest?"
I get the message - don't f**k around with system files unless you know what you are doing
Good idea!!!
I am talking about my C Drive ...
c-drive have system volume information too, the size of your volume information is depend also to the size of your hard disc
ex: if you have 500gb then system volume information 12gb-20gb
if below 500gb then 8gb-12gb
wahrscheinlich weil ich bloed bin, und kann die kleinen Zeichen auf Ihren darstellungen nicht richtig lesen. Ob Win 7 anders als Vista ist z.b.?
Die darstellung bei CCleaner meldet unter System restore in der Liste nur “Windows Update” von gestern (als ich Defraggled habe) : ist diese Update als System resore Point zu verstehen?
ich dachte, dass diese Menge System Volume Info - riesen Dateien - wegen der Defraggling statgefunden haben. Woher kamen diese? Ich kann mich kaum vorstellen, dass sie wegen Windows Update so enorm geworden sind.
System Volume Info ist hautsaechlich fuer den Sprung von 12 GB Memory verantwortlich. (Lokale datentraeger 207GB - gestern 219)… komisch
danke - es war wie Win 7. Ich habe “bereinigen” and dann “loeschen bis auf den letzetn Wiederherstullungspunkt” gedruckt. Ich glaube es dauert ein bisschen noch. Tief atmen —