Problem with Defraggler

You should lower the max capacity for Sys restore points.

Rightclick on “Computer” (or “Arbeitsplatz” in Vista maybe)
Click “Eigenschaften”
Click “Erweiterte Systemeinstellungen” “Computerschutz” (screenshot 1)
Click “System C”, “Konfigurieren”
Select a lower memory usage (I have 5%) (screenshot 2)

You can do that for all drives. I have it disabled for other drives than C:



Thanks. I must say there are differences between 7 and Vista. By right-clicking on computer and Eigenschafte z.B., you are directed into a Windows page that just tells you about your system and not the usual Eigenschaften → Erweitert usw.

However in the past I have been to a page similar to the Abbildung 3 you refer me to.

I have to go. But I will make that adjustment as you recommended.

(I am not too good at switching langauges - because my use of written German is always “passive” as I have been a technical translator for some years abnd was/am always translating from German into mother tongue English!)

I guess with you it must be umgekehrt…

It’s not really umgekehrt, I speak beide Sprachen rather well. ;D

Me too however, this is still an English speaking forum. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay friend. If your system is behaving properly then you can delete all the old restore points. But this MAY be risky in some cases. So I will not suggest that.
Personally I delete old restore point often when my PC behaves properly like no virus attack/Driver failure/Any abnormality. But you have to be careful enough to that. No wonder when danger comes… ::slight_smile:

Yes, and manchmal also Deutsch, if needed.

(Reply #20 on: Today at 10:05:40 AM)

I give up - I cannot find a way in VISTA to get to Zyndstoff’s display so that I can set it at 5% - see screenshot 2 - _sys2.PNG

Anyone got VISTA?

Rightclick on “Arbeitsplatz” or “Computer” whatever it is named.

It is there somewhere.

Or: “Gerätesteuerung” - “System” - it’s there somewhere.

It’s called “Systemsteuerung” which gives System und Wartung, then Sicherung des Computers erstellen.

Then you get to Systemeigenschaften - Computerschutz, which looks just like your screenshot EXCEPT there is NO Konfigurieren button, just Systemeiderherstellung above the Verfuegbare Datentraeger and Erstellen below. i have looked at the drop-down options and there also is no Configure. This is annoying because I FOUND what you showed me by accident some weeks ago!

I don’t suppose I could get at it using another prog?

I have…


Great. What I want to do is as Zyndstoff showed me with his XP. That is, to keep the System Restore Point file sizes down by the automatic removal of the old ones. There should be a Configure button. Zyndstoff has set his to 5% so that there would be no more than (in his case) 3.41 GB of SRP files on his system at any one time.

This Configure button is there somewhere, because I found it accidentally some time ago!!

If you could direct me to it I would be most grateful…

This is for XP but Vista should be somewhat similar.

Go to …

Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > System Restore Settings @ bottom left > select the drive (most likely C:) by clicking once if not already preselected > click Settings > move the slider to the desired % > click OK

… see the image below.


thanks for that. Yes I know and you would have thought it possible on VISTA. I tried a parallel route but it does not get me to that slider!

Please if there is anyone out there who knows VISTA please let me know.

Thanks to Zunstoff using the XP screen shots, I did solve my original problem - so I suppose I will have to do so again, until I can find that slider!

bist du mit adminrechten angemeldet?
falls nein, kann es sein, daß du einige systemrelevanten einstellungen nicht vornehmen kannst.

It’s Win7 screenshots by the way. I skipped Vista! Clever me, eh? ;D

Well yes, ueberspringen usw. but this is VISTA that I am talking about.

Zyndstoff - I am have heard that Win7 is not that wonderful either.

@HPY: I am giving you two links. Go through this
second one is more valuable in your case…

I have no complaints about Win7 whatsoever. It’s Pro x64 and just about everything runs flawlessly and smooth.

So, in my experience, it’s a great system.

Thank you, I will.

Hi sg09

I looked into the second link which recognises the same problem with Vista - there is no “slider” for reducing the percentage usage as there is with XP and 7.

The “vssadmin list shadowstorage” solution looks too risky for me so i will have to stay with Zyndstoff’s - if only because I now know how to do it quickly if needed.

Thanks all.