When I try to install demo version I have problem with licence file which is not accepted. Does anyone know how to solve this problem.
To Avast. Why are you putting something not functional on the web???
When I try to install demo version I have problem with licence file which is not accepted. Does anyone know how to solve this problem.
To Avast. Why are you putting something not functional on the web???
Well, it’s functional for everybody else.
What error exactly you get?
Hi, nice flag. I am from the same country. ;D
Basically when I try to install it on Windows ent. server 2003 and press demo button i get message that “The licence file is invalid”.
Thanks for help
Same thing with ADNM
Please send me (via email) the demo license file that got generated. Its path should appear in the License manager window after you press the DEMO button.
I have send it to you
Did you come up with some solution to my problem?
Could you please try to set the time zone on the machine to GMT and then try to generate the demo license file again? Seems that it’s related to this…
Thank you very much. GMT configuration was the problem.
I had GMT+10 for Sydney. I changed to GMT and it was OK.
Hope this product and ADNM will be good enough. We use McAfee for our customers.
Thanks once again.
A yes, i have the same problem, i am at GMt +9.30 (adelaide) and am running Server2k3, you might want to have a look into this problem and fix it because when trialing out programs people want it to work and if it dosnt work they will shift to a different product.
Setting the system to GMT as opposed to the my time zone works.
thanks just thought i’d let you know its not isolated to one person
It will be fixed in the next update (due in about 2 weeks).