Problem with manual update in 4.8

I have uninstalled 4.7 and installed 4.8 of avast anti-virus home edition and entered my personal home user licence.

I tried to manually update 4.8 but got an error using the latest vpsupd.exe file.

To correct this I had to disable the avast self defense module under miscellaneous in program settings yet if I do an automatic update i do not have to disable the self defense module.

My question is this :- Why must I disable avast self defense when doing a manual update?

good question - probably a bug?!


can you take a look at this thread please?

Were the error messages you got the same as those reported in the first part of the error report?

Alanrf … yes the errors were similar

  1. Alan, I don’t think Graham’s problem is related to the other thread. He’s talking about vpsupd.exe (the program that can be used to update the VPS on offline computers).

  2. Graham, we’re aware of this issue, and are working on a fix (to vpsupd.exe). The thing is, since vpsupd.exe does not come with the avast installation, the self defense module considers it as untrusted and as such, doesn’t allow it to make any modifications to the avast state.

We’re working on a fix to this. Meanwhile, you’ll have to live with the fact that vpsupd.exe will only work with self-defense disabled.



Thanx for your reply ... any idea when a fix will be released?? i can live with the problem for now as avast is the best anti-virus I have tried

I’d say today? Tomorrow? Or something like that. :wink:

OK, it has been solved now.
The next time you use vpsupd.exe, everything should be OK.


hi…m a new avast user .n i too got the same avast update error(setiface error) after i installed avast 4.8 yesterday…i dont have a net connection in my laptop…so i need to update manually…i ran the avast update n got the above eror…can u plz suggest me wat i shud do to overcome the error???plz help…


Can you try to repair your installation?
Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair).

thanx for ur reply…i will surely try it…but is it the only way to fix it???y this bug is not being rectified with the avast 4.8 version???

There are some improvements in v.4.8 that will be released soon (probably a new build of the program).

ok thanx…

Did you download vpsupd.exe again today? It should fix the bug from yesterday’s version.


then it was precisely related to the other thread. They both releated to vpsupd.exe