Whenever i try to send/receive email from my Outlook i see and hear the attached virus message. If i disable the shields to get this email and delete it i never get it. This is frustrating cause i hear it whenever Outlook checks for messages on the background. I don’t want to disable the popups and sounds of Avast just for this. Is there a way around?
Is this on your Yahoo account?
access your mail account from webmail and delete the mail there / empty trash folder, then in your mail client
No this happens on outlook. It’s not a yahoo account. Should i connect to webmail and try to see if it’s there? My trash folder is empty.
Should i connect to webmail and try to see if it's there?Yes
My trash folder is empty.I mean trash folders in outlook / webmail, make sure you empty those after deleting mail
Ok i’ll try this. Thank you
I logged in my webmail and i can’t find this email. I have checked on inobx,spam and trash but nothing found. What can i do? I still get this message whenever i send/receive.
Turn off avast mail shield, reboot computer, turn on avast mail shield
Any change?
No change at all. Still getting this message.
can you generate and submit Support package and mention the ID of package here to see what and where was detected?
Can you be more specific? How can i generate the support package? Where i find the id?
I submit the image
Follow instructions: https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB33#artTitle
I have used this tool. It says it has succesfully uploaded to avast server with ftp. I uploaded the report here too https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/6311f0697156a07902e752e7c6a0677920170131120220/980c59f1c40c3fbbc29166714479066c20170131120220/1f9e3e
Name of file : 20170131_1144_9WLBI_1873340050
thanks for the support package. Try to search in all emails (I hope that your webmail has such feature) where “From” is “alliancebank.org.ua” or subject containing “Payment Process”.
Thank you for the help. I found the email and deleted. Case closed!
great. Glad to hear that the problem is solved