i can’t do any changes in settings because i forgot the password!!! is there any chances to solve this problem?? or i must uninstall the program and then …u now what…
No, there is no way round this.
I would suggest you download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD so you can find it later.
Now uninstall, reboot, run the Uninstall Utility, reboot, install, reboot.
You may possibly be able to get away without needing to use the additional step of the uninstall utility, but it guarantees that everything including any registry entries is removed.
thanks for the reply, i did it and now it’s ok
hyp hyp hurayyy for the global conection!!!
No problem, welcome to the forums.
A little heads up a new program update has just been released, 4.7.936, you can do a manual update.
Just take care, 4.7.936 could have other password issues…