Problem with pictures in mail

I use w2k with Avast 4 and The Bat as mail agent,when I send or recieve mail containing just text everythihg is OK but when there is a picture as an attachement it so long that I get a message that connection with the server has broken . Is there something I can do about it , or is virus checking of picture attachements a problem ?

What is the size of these files ? How long does it take from “Send” clicking till the error message being displayed ?
Checking of picture attachements should not be a problem.

The size is 300kb to 500kb, I don’t think thats a problem as I downloaded pictures without scanner fairly fast.

I have a similar problem, but with Win98se & Outlook Express

I know this was workin right up untill i had 2 reinstall Avast, but now when i try 2 insert a picture in an email it won’t let me, i can’t browse 2 the image i want & the Ok button is now greyed out

Also if im sendin a mail with an attachment, while it is sendin it, a box pops up sayin that me SMTP server has not responded 4 about 60secs,I have increased the timeout in Avast, but it still does it, if i click wait everytime the box appears then the mail is eventually sent

Why is it doin that ??? The attachments can be music or data & the result is still the same, Is it Avast or is it Outlook Express ???


BaNzI :o

I know this was workin right up untill i had 2 reinstall Avast, but now when i try 2 insert a picture in an email it won't let me, i can't browse 2 the image i want & the Ok button is now greyed out
It looks like a security feature in Outlook Express. Try looking at Tools -> Options -> Security.
Also if im sendin a mail with an attachment, while it is sendin it, a box pops up sayin that me SMTP server has not responded 4 about 60secs,I have increased the timeout in Avast, but it still does it, if i click wait everytime the box appears then the mail is eventually sent
You have to increase timeout in account setting in OE. It's a known problem mentioned in help (Manual setting of mail protection / Known problems).

quickbeam: please send me the file C:\Program Files\ALWIL Software\Avast4\Data\log\aswMaiSv.log (take it after you get that error message).

Thanks vojtech! File sent.

Cheers vojtech ;D

For some unkown reason, the security setting (internet zone/restricted zone) had been changed 2 restriced ??? Followed Ur advice & it now works :slight_smile: :smiley:

Am still curious as 2 how it got changed in the first place ???

Thanks again 4 the solution ;D

PS changed the timeout settings in OE 2 5mins

BaNzI :o